Diabetes Treatment in Ayurveda is The Safest
Diabetes is one of the most problematic diseases in the world that takes the lives of millions every year. While commonly cases are hereditary, most of them are caused by stress and habits of daily modern life. The lack of insulin in the body triggers excess sugar production which gives rise to diabetes. Common symptoms of diabetes are rapid weight loss, skin infections, increased thirst and hunger pangs, frequent urination etc. There are different treatments for diabetes in every medicine system from homoeopathy to Ayurvedic natural treatment. In this article, we are going to discuss diabetes treatment in Ayurveda
Diabetes in Ayurveda according to Doshas
In Ayurveda, diabetes is known as “Madhumeha”. “Madhu” means sweet and “Meha” means Urine, so the literal translation of diabetes in Ayurveda is “Sweet urine”. The name is derived because diabetic urine is as sweet as honey and has a sweet smell. Ayurveda defines each person, As a specific combination of Doshas. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three Doshas. Vata is a dosha that is dry and airy, Pitta is fiery and Kapha is cool, heavy and slimy. Each Dosha’s imbalance causes health problems that are related to the imbalance. Diabetes is an issue of the Kapha Dosha imbalance. Nevertheless, just being a Kapha dominant person does not mean diabetes. It may manifest as diabetes if the Kapha dominance is not counterbalanced with a balanced diet and lifestyle.
Treatment for diabetes in Ayurveda
Allopathic treatments may often be too much for a person to handle, and to notice the results they want they need a gentle and successful experience. Patients prefer to seek Ayurvedic herbs for diabetes since it is understood that Ayurveda is a holistic healing practice and prevents the entry of diseases into the body. In Indian cooking, many Ayurvedic herbal ingredients are widely used, which are common in the treatment of diabetes. These are:
- Amla
- Triphala
- Cinnamon Powder
Diabetes Treatment in Ayurveda recommends some accessible home remedies that everyone can prepare; for instance, Ayurveda states that you will have to limit your intake of sugar and simple carbohydrates to keep your diabetes in check. Ayurveda uses the following blend of Kutki, Punarnava, Guduchi and Shardunika together to get blood sugar levels under control. It is recommended that you take half a teaspoon two-three times a day with lukewarm water eat more bitter fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Another way to balance your blood sugar is to drink hot turmeric water on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. Ginger tea is also a natural way to regulate sugar, and although growing the excess Kapha in your system, it can also help maintain your sugar at a steady level.
1.Lifestyle changes
Diabetes has lately been characterised as more of a lifestyle disorder than anything that happens because of old age. Diabetes, as described before, occurs because of an affluent lifestyle in which the individual has a sedentary working life, insufficient physical activity, and excessive consumption of processed foods.
2.Natural Ways to Control Diabetes
- Drinking water from copper vessels
- Maintaining a healthy low-sugar diet and sticking to it: You have to restrict the carb intake to maintain a healthy diet because carbohydrates are broken down to produce glucose, thereby raising the levels of sugar. A natural way to regulate sugar is to decrease the intake of carbohydrates. An Ayurvedic doctor will help you recognise in your body which Doshas are out of control. It is advisable to eat food that aids digestion while avoiding foods that aggravate those Doshas along with effective diabetes Ayurvedic medicine
- Maintaining a meal schedule: Ayurveda states that when the Agni or digestive fire is at its highest, proper digestion and metabolism occurs. The majority of herbs and Ayurvedic medicine help to sustain the body’s Agni level. But in a human, the Agni level is also dependent on the Sun. Ayurvedic texts note that when the sun is at its height in the sky at noon, Agni is at its best. This is why at midday it is recommended that the heaviest and largest meal be taken.
- Hydration: Your organs, particularly the kidneys, are sent into overdrive by diabetes. They, therefore, start expelling more fluid than required. This causes the skin, mouth, and intense thirst to dry up. Ideally, you can drink at least two litres of water a day. Your blood sugar levels start to regulate when you drink water daily, and the chance of diabetes getting worse is also decreased.
- Managing Stress levels: The best natural diabetes treatment involves practises such as meditation and yoga that are stress-busting. By practising meditation, you will start to see a difference in your physical and mental health every day. An Ayurvedic doctor will provide you with Ayurvedic herbs and Ayurvedic diabetes medicine that help you to destress and sleep better if you need assistance with this. Some people who find passive tasks boring might even find a great stress-reliever in a brisk walk or time at the gym. There is no one size fits all cure, so try to find out what you can do with Ayurvedic home remedies for diabetes.
- Other potent Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes
- Garlic
- Fresh Bilwa leaves
- Shilajeet – 1 capsule
- Fenugreek capsules – three capsules a day (for overweight patients)
- Bitter gourd juice – 6 teaspoons
- More methods to control diabetes
- Avoid taking mid-day naps
- Reduce carbohydrate intake
- Quit alcohol and smoking
- Introduce a moderate amount of exercise in your daily routine, just enough to get the heart pumping
- Don’t miss out on blood tests
- Go for regular health checkups
- Avoid adding too much oil to your food
- Yoga for diabetes
- Legs up the wall
- Reclining bound angle pose
- Seated forward bend
- Supported shoulder stand
The trick is to adopt a holistic and safe method of managing sugar, and this can be achieved by taking Ayurvedic strategies and medicines; of course, make sure you check with your doctor before taking any kind of medication-natural or otherwise. It is easy to get carried away with unhealthy habits in today’s hectic lifestyle. The stressful routine can accumulate and contribute to medical traumas such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, emotional binge eating (which contributes to obesity), and high cholesterol. All these symptoms come together and lead to diabetes, however, you can avoid the early onset of this crippling disease if you take charge of your routine and turn to healthier lifestyle decisions.