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Cementation Pitfalls in Dentistry

The cementation of indirect restorations is a critical step of the procedure that has a major impact on the long-term success of the prosthetic work. To avoid early failures, it is important to identify potential sources of error. Cementation is a crucial step to ensure retention, marginal integrity and durability of indirect restorations. Adhesive types of cement should bond to a wide variety of substrates including dentin and enamel, porcelain and other ceramics, gold and other metal alloys, and composites.

Various properties of composite types of cement make them clinically superior. Resin cement can exhibit high bond strengths to both tooth structure and porcelain, high tensile and compressive strengths, and the lowest solubility of any cement available. The disadvantages of resin cement include technical sensitivity and difficult cleaning. Resin-based cement may change colour as they cure and may darken over time. This can be a key factor as esthetics is a particularly important feature of all-ceramic restorations

Faults and deficiencies in the cementing process are classified into four categories:

1)Faults related to the general organization of the process. These variables, such as temperature storage or an unclear distribution of tasks in the team – are perhaps the first associations that come to mind when you think of standardization.

2)The selection of materials is insufficient

3)The selection of the Proper materials and techniques for making and glueing is key to success.

Some early steps in the process that affect bond strength

Prior work steps such as building the core or cleaning the abutment can negatively impact bond strength if the products used are misaligned or misaligned. Faulty surface preparation. Appropriate times and conditions: The luminous ions and temperature during placement and careful removal of excess are important factors in the quality of long-term connections.








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